The ACME Baseball Congress

The history of Acme baseball

ACME baseball

summer baseball in northwest Ohio

The ACME Baseball Congress Story

The ACME Baseball Congress story began in 1960 with the first organized Championships taking place in 1961. Gene Steiner, Henry Steiner, Lou Brunswick, Andrew White, Harold Faller and Harold Siedell among others envisioned an organization to provide meaningful and rewarding opportunities for high school baseball players to compete in the summers. They initiated the first ACME season with twelve teams from Auglaize, Mercer, and Van Wert counties playing for the State Championship in Rockford, Ohio. This tradition has continued every year to today and we invite you to visit our webpage listing every State Champion and Runner-Up from 1961-current.

Over the last 50+ years, dozens of coaches, baseball and community minded individuals have served on the ACME Board of Directors and/or as District Commissioners. This organization would not exist without the countless hours and energy exerted by these individuals.  Six individuals have served as Head Commissioner spearheading the organization over those years including Gene Steiner, Art LaRue, Ed Bollenbacher, Don Bachman, Kathy Beam, Chad Spencer and currently Ben Mauch. We are appreciative of the efforts and service of our current Board of Directors who also can be viewed on our webpage. 

There has been over 70 players who participated in ACME Baseball go on to be drafted or sign as Free Agents with Professional Baseball Organizations. The talent these men represent indicate the legacy and tradition of quality baseball play and instruction within the schools and communities of our membership. View the entire list on the “ACME Pros” page. In addition to offering high school boys the opportunity to play organized summer baseball the ACME Baseball Congress is also pleased to offer our Scholarship Program to ACME participants awarding 5 scholarships annually. This is just one way our organization attempts to give back to the players, teams and communities that participate. 

Today ACME Baseball continues to provide competitive summer baseball annually in either ACME or Jr. ACME schedules while also coinciding with travel baseball. Offering Sectional, District and State Tournaments at both levels hundreds of young men have the opportunity to participate in meaningful, organized play within their communities each summer.  We are exceptionally thankful to all the coaches and managers that keep this organization active and effective each year.

In loving memory of

Lou Brunswick

1929 - 2022